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本文转自:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/asa/asa98/configuration/vpn/asa-98-vpn-config/vpn-groups.html Chapter: Connection Profiles, Group Policies, and Users Chapter Contents This chapter describes how to configure VPN connection profiles (formerly called “tunnel groups”), group policies, and users. This chapter includes the following sections. Overview of Connection Profiles, Group Policies, and UsersConnection ProfilesConfigure Connection ProfilesGroup PoliciesUse of a Zone Labs Integrity ServerConfigure User Attributes Overview of Connection Profiles, Group Policies, and Users Groups and users are core concepts in managing the security of virtual private networks (VPNs) and in configuring the ASA. They specify attributes that determine user access to and use of the VPN. A group is a collection of users treated as a single entity. Users get their attributes from group policies. A connection profile identifies......Read More

本文转自:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/asa/asa98/configuration/vpn/asa-98-vpn-config/vpn-params.html Chapter: General VPN Parameters Chapter Contents The ASA implementation of virtual private networking includes useful features that do not fit neatly into categories. This chapter describes some of these features. Guidelines and LimitationsConfigure IPsec to Bypass ACLsPermitting Intra-Interface Traffic (Hairpinning)Setting Maximum Active IPsec or SSL VPN SessionsUse Client Update to Ensure Acceptable IPsec Client Revision LevelsImplement NAT-Assigned IP to Public IP ConnectionConfigure VPN Session LimitsUsing an Identify Certificate When NegotiatingConfigure the Pool of Cryptographic CoresConfigure Dynamic Split TunnelingViewing Active VPN SessionsAbout ISE Policy EnforcementConfigure Advanced SSL SettingsPersistent IPsec Tunneled Flows Guidelines and Limitations This section includes the guidelines and limitations for this feature. Context Mo......Read More

本文转自:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/asa/asa98/configuration/vpn/asa-98-vpn-config/vpn-ha.html Chapter: High Availability Options Chapter Contents High Availability OptionsVPN Load Balancing High Availability Options Load balancing and Failover are high-availability features that function differently and have different requirements. In some circumstances you may use multiple capabilities in your deployment. The following sections describe these features. Refer to the appropriate release of the ASA General Operations CLI Configuration Guide for details on Failover. Load Balancing details are included here. VPN Load BalancingFailover VPN Load Balancing VPN load balancing is a mechanism for equitably distributing remote-access VPN traffic among the devices in a VPN load-balancing group. It is based on simple distribution of traffic without taking into account throughput or other factors. A VPN load-balancing group consists of ......Read More

本文转自:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/asa/asa98/configuration/vpn/asa-98-vpn-config/vpn-l2tp-ipsec.html Chapter: L2TP over IPsec Chapter Contents This chapter describes how to configure L2TP over IPsec/IKEv1 on the ASA. About L2TP over IPsec/IKEv1 VPNLicensing Requirements for L2TP over IPsecPrerequisites for Configuring L2TP over IPsecGuidelines and LimitationsConfiguring L2TP over Eclipse with CLIFeature History for L2TP over IPsec About L2TP over IPsec/IKEv1 VPN Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a VPN tunneling protocol that allows remote clients to use the public IP network to securely communicate with private corporate network servers. L2TP uses PPP over UDP (port 1701) to tunnel the data. L2TP protocol is based on the client/server model. The function is divided between the L2TP Network Server (LNS), and the L2TP Access Concentrator (LAC). The LNS typically runs on a network gateway such as a router, while the LAC can be a dial-up Ne......Read More

本文转自:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/asa/asa98/configuration/vpn/asa-98-vpn-config/vpn-ike.html Chapter: IPsec and ISAKMP Chapter Contents About Tunneling, IPsec, and ISAKMPLicensing for IPsec VPNsGuidelines for IPsec VPNsConfigure IPsec About Tunneling, IPsec, and ISAKMP This topic describes the Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and the Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) standards used to build Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Tunneling makes it possible to use a public TCP/IP network, such as the Internet, to create secure connections between remote users and a private corporate network. Each secure connection is called a tunnel. The ASA uses the ISAKMP and IPsec tunneling standards to build and manage tunnels. ISAKMP and IPsec accomplish the following: Negotiate tunnel parametersEstablish tunnelsAuthenticate users and dataManage security keysEncrypt and decrypt dataManage data transfer across the tunnel......Read More

本文转自:https://blog.csdn.net/u010531676/article/details/79733901 能找到这里,都是用Cisco VPN ,然后出现442错误吧。     说下我的情况,我这里本来是解决了一次,能连回公司,但昨天升到Win 10 1709时,开机看到提示说Cisco VPN不安全还是怎样,然后VPN服务被移除了。然后在控制面板修复了Cisco VPN,连接时就出现442。     先贴下可能帮你解决问题的链接:     1.https://supportforums.cisco.com/t5/vpn/reason-442-failed-to-enable-virtual-adapter-windows-7-64-bit/td-p/1782751     2.https://blog.csdn.net/gotomic/article/details/8113536     第三个是解决我的问题的原始链接,注册表的问题:Solved     解决步骤:         1.打开注册表中心 (Win + R , 输入regeidt );         2.在注册表中定位到 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVirtA,双击右边”DisplayName”,将”Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows&......Read More

本文转自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8acd55360101jm4q.html 一般的QoS配置不外乎四个步骤: 1,设置ACL匹配应用流量; 2,设置class-map匹配相应ACL或者相应端口等等,不过一般式匹配ACL; 3,设置policy-map匹配class-map,然后定一规则动作; 4,将policy-map绑定到相应的接口上。 下面使用一个比较典型的案例来说明QoS的配置步骤: 需求:路径带宽为622Mbps,四种应用流量,需要保证如下几点: 流量1,某一具体应用流量,永远优先传输,最小带宽保证为365Mbps; 流量2,某一具体应用流量,次优先传输,最小带宽保证为200Mbps; 流量3,此为业务流量,保证在1和2后的其余带宽下传输即可; 流量4,某一具体应用流量,保证在123流量外的带宽下传输即可。 具体配置如下: 第一步,定义ACL匹配应用流量: ip access-list extended tra1_acl permit tcp eq 8818 ip access-list extended tra2_acl permit tcp eq 901 ip access-list extended tra4_acl permit ip 第二步,定义class-map匹配相关ACL: class-map match-all tra1_cmap m......Read More

本文转自: https://www.cisco.com/c/zh_cn/support/docs/wireless/2500-series-wireless-controllers/113034-2500-deploy-guide-00.html 目录 简介先决条件要求使用的组件附加功能Cisco 2500系列无线控制器的硬件体系结构思科 2500 系列无线控制器的基本配置控制器配置通过CLI配置邻接交换机配置思科 2500 系列无线控制器配置有启动向导的控制器安装许可证在思科 2500 系列无线控制器中启用 DTLS配置PI并且添加Cisco 2500系列无线控制器思科 2500 系列无线控制器的部署场景场景 1DHCP 代理已启用的内部 DHCP 服务器DHCP 代理已禁用的外部 DHCP 服务器DHCP 代理已启用的外部 DHCP 服务器场景 2DHCP 代理已启用的内部 DHCP 服务器DHCP 代理已禁用的外部 DHCP 服务器DHCP 代理已启用的外部 DHCP 服务器场景 3场景 4:滞后部署Cisco2500无线控制器的指南Web快速设置高可用性 简介 本文档是思科 2500 系列无线控制器的部署指南。Cisco 2500系列无线控制器是零售、企业分支和中小型企业的一个有效系统无线解决方案。当网络增长,控制器在网络能扩展。 Cisco 2500系列无线控制器混和到Cisco Unified无线网络(CUWN)并且与Cisco轻量级接入点(AP)一起使用和思科无线......Read More

本文转自:https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1655231428286780407&wfr=spider&for=pc 上世纪90年代初,交换机市场鸿蒙初开、天地混沌。 不仅厂商们群雄乱战,连交换机的协议和标准都还格局未定。令牌环、FDDI、ATM这些只出现在新生代网工课本里的技术,各领风骚,互有攻伐。 以太网作为诞生最早却“发育”最慢的协议,在夹缝中生存,丝毫看不出后来一统天下的苗头…… 成立于1984年的思科,关注交换机市场已久,而它破局的利器,正是Catalyst交换机。 1993年,思科完成了创立以来的首次并购,目标是一家叫做Crescendo Communications的初创公司。 虽然日后思科创造了多达200+次并购,但这却是其“人生”第一次,也正是这次收购,开启了思科Catalyst交换机的辉煌时代。 这笔交易的金额是9450万美元,对刚上市3年、股价只有“一块两毛七”(USD)的思科来说,并不是一个小数目。但如果我们知道后来Catalyst交换机的年营收高达150亿美金,就会感叹思科天生就是个并购高手。 回想27年前的那个时代,连网络集线器(HUB)都还远远没有普及,造路由器起家的思科却敏锐的觉察到网络交换机市场,选择果断出手,下“血本”买下Crescen......Read More
